How to Solve the Problems While Studying Abroad in Germany?



Published date: 18th February 2023


Studying abroad in Germany can be a life-changing experience. The country offers world-class education, a vibrant culture, and plenty of opportunities to explore Europe. However, like any study abroad experience, it can also present its own set of challenges. In this article, we will explore some common problems that students encounter while studying abroad in Germany and provide solutions to help overcome them.



1. Language Barrier

One of the most significant challenges that students face while studying abroad in Germany is the language barrier. While most universities offer courses in English, it can still be challenging to navigate daily life if you do not speak German.


  • Take advantage of language courses: Most universities in Germany offer language courses to help students develop their language skills. These courses are an excellent way to improve your German proficiency and become more comfortable with the language.
  • Use language learning apps: Apps like Duolingo and Babbel can be an excellent resources for learning German. They provide interactive lessons and allow you to practice your language skills at your own pace.
  • Practice with a language partner: Finding a language partner is an effective way to practice your German skills. Look for language exchange programs at your university or find a language partner through online communities like Meetup or InterNations.
  • Immerse yourself in the language: The best way to improve your language skills is to immerse yourself in the language. Watch German TV shows, listen to German music, and read German books. Additionally, try to use German in your daily life as much as possible, even if it's just small phrases or simple conversations.
  • Be patient: Learning a new language takes time, and it's important to be patient with yourself. Don't be discouraged if you don't see immediate progress. Keep practicing, and you'll eventually become more comfortable with the language.

2. Finding the Perfect Student Accommodation:

Finding the right accommodation is an essential part of the study abroad experience in Germany. Here are some additional tips for finding the perfect student accommodation.


  • Research your options: Take the time to research your options and understand the different types of accommodation available. This may include student dormitories, shared apartments, or private rooms.
  • Consider the location: Location is an important factor to consider when choosing your accommodation. Look for options that are located near your university, public transportation, and essential amenities like grocery stores and restaurants.
  • Set a budget: Accommodation costs can vary widely in Germany, and it's important to set a budget before you begin your search. Consider your other monthly expenses, and determine how much you can afford to spend on rent.
  • Look for reviews: Reading reviews from other students can be a great way to get an idea of what it's like to live in a particular accommodation. Look for reviews online or ask your university's international student office for recommendations.
  • Arrange a viewing: Before signing a lease, it's important to arrange a viewing to see the accommodation in person. This will give you a chance to ask questions, evaluate the condition of the property, and meet your potential roommates.
  • Consider your lifestyle: Consider your lifestyle when choosing your accommodation. Are you looking for a quiet place to study, or do you prefer a more social environment? Make sure to choose an option that aligns with your preferences and needs.

3. Be prepared for Culture Shock

Moving to a new country can be an overwhelming experience. It is common for students to experience culture shock, which can make it difficult to adjust to life in Germany.


  • Research the culture: Before you arrive in Germany, take some time to research the country's culture, traditions, and values. This will help you better understand the local customs and prepare you for any cultural differences you may encounter.
  • Connect with locals: Meeting locals can be an excellent way to learn more about German culture. Look for opportunities to connect with local students, join clubs or organizations, and attend cultural events. This will give you a chance to ask questions, share your experiences, and learn from others.
  • Keep an open mind: It's essential to keep an open mind when encountering new cultures. Remember that cultural differences are not good or bad, they are just different. Be respectful and open to new experiences, even if they are unfamiliar or uncomfortable at first.
  • Embrace the differences: Embracing the differences is the best way to overcome culture shock. Try new foods, explore new places, and take part in local traditions. This will help you appreciate the unique aspects of German culture and develop a deeper understanding of the country.
  • Connect with other international students: Connecting with other international students can be an excellent way to cope with culture shock. They may be experiencing similar struggles, and you can support each other through the process.

4. Homesickness

Homesickness is a common experience for students studying abroad in Germany. Here are some additional tips for overcoming homesickness:


  • Stay connected with loved ones: Staying connected with loved ones back home can help you feel more connected and supported. Schedule regular video chats, send letters or postcards, and share photos of your experiences.
  • Create a routine: Creating a routine can help you feel more grounded and comfortable in your new environment. Establish a regular study schedule, join a gym, or participate in other extracurricular activities.
  • Get involved in the local community: Getting involved in the local community can be an excellent way to make new friends and feel more connected. Join clubs or organizations, volunteer, or participate in cultural events.
  • Take care of yourself: Taking care of yourself is essential for managing homesickness. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. Additionally, try to make time for activities you enjoy, such as reading, painting, or going for a walk.
  • Explore your new environment: Exploring your new environment can help you feel more at home. Take a day trip, visit local museums or historical sites, or go on a guided tour of the city. This will help you learn more about your new home and make it feel more familiar. For more details, you can check : 7 Amazing Places to Visit When You are Studying in Germany

5. Budgeting and Managing Finances While Studying Abroad in Germany:

Studying abroad in Germany can be expensive, and it's essential to manage your finances carefully. Here are some additional tips for budgeting and managing your finances while studying abroad in Germany:

  • Create a budget: Creating a budget is the first step to managing your finances. Estimate your monthly expenses, including rent, food, transportation, and entertainment, and compare them to your income. Use a budgeting app or spreadsheet to track your expenses and stay on track.
  • Look for student discounts: Many places in Germany offer student discounts, including museums, movie theaters, and restaurants. Be sure to carry your student ID card with you at all times and ask for discounts wherever you go.
  • Cook at home: Eating out can be expensive, and cooking at home is a great way to save money. Look for affordable grocery stores, and cook meals in bulk to save time and money.
  • Use public transportation: Public transportation is affordable and convenient in Germany. Purchase a monthly or semester pass to save money on transportation costs.
  • Be mindful of travel costs: Traveling can be expensive, but it's an essential part of the study abroad experience. Look for affordable travel options, like group tours or hostels, and plan your trips in advance to save money.
  • Apply for scholarships and grants: Many universities offer scholarships and grants to help students cover the costs of studying abroad. Research available opportunities and apply early to increase your chances of receiving funding.

Remember, managing your finances is an essential part of the study abroad experience, and by taking the time to plan and budget, you can make the most of your time in Germany without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, studying abroad in Germany can be an incredible experience, but it is not without its challenges. By learning the language, embracing the culture, staying connected with loved ones, and budgeting wisely, you can overcome these challenges and make the most of your time abroad. With the right mindset and preparation, you can have an unforgettable study abroad experience in Germany.


Also Read
Do's and Don'ts for International Students in Germany
Requirements to Study in Germany as an International Student
What To Expect when study In Germany?

About the Author:

Twinkle is an active listener and observer. She has a boundless curiosity to improvise her all-round knowledge. She is always open about her thoughts and her personality is filled with thirst for acquiring knowledge about different fields. Her favourite pastime is to pen down her thoughts and knowledge. Her strength is the simplicity of language yet being artistic.

Categories: Germany

Tags: Study Abroad

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